RACE...!!! Diversity and Contraversy...!!! - TicoVisión
Escrito en 12/05/11 a 07:16:56 GMT-06:00 Por Administrador
John Bisner Ureña
Race.... It is a word that is associated with many thoughts, words, and emotions. The color of peoples' skin is the first thing that is always noticed.

RACE...!!! Diversity and Contraversy...!!! - TicoVisión

12 de mayo de 2011 | TicoVisión | Redacción - | San José, Costa Rica | Tribuna para el Libre Pensamiento

RACE...!!! Diversity and Contraversy...!!!

By John Bisner Ureña

Only by changing the actions in the middle o the cycle can our future be freed of the past and OPRESION. AMEN...!!! JB211
Race.... It is a word that is associated with many thoughts, words, and emotions. The color of peoples' skin is the first thing that is always noticed. Throughout our history people have judged and mistreated because they were of the wrong  race and color. A prime example of this is the racial tension between blacks and whites. The driving force behind this tension is the past; and something I feel should stay there behind.

For many years blacks were mistreated and abused based solely on the color of the skin. In Martin Luther King J.R.'s "Letter from Birmingham  Jail", he uses references to the past and people of the past to strengthen his point. The actions in the past and present can affect the future and our humanity.

In "Letter from Birmingham Jail", King uses references to Saints, philosophers of the past, and theologians to get into the minds of the clergymen to whom he is writing the

letter. By using the words of white people of the past, King can use the clergyman's own beliefs to his benefit. He uses the quote, "sin is separation" (WoI pg. 158) to show that segregating people because of color is morally and religiously wrong, and in my opinion also a crime.
Though King began his civil rights movement in 1958, he had the past to use as his basis for a plan of action. He could look in the past to see how other people tried to free themselves from oppression, what worked and what failed. By using the past events he could better empower his people to become independent and strive for their FREEDOM.
Throughout his lifetime, King worked hard to end segregation and try to break down the walls between the blacks and whites. He was faced with an enormous amount of opposition. King and those who followed him had to face beatings, verbal lashings, and public embarrassment.

He had to look to the past and at the words of great men before him to find the strength to endure. Like Socrates, King felt that he had to create a "constructive, nonviolent tension necessary for growth" (WoI pg. 156). Something I feel today we have learnt little about, because it seems that war and destruction, misery and chaos is what many look for..!!!

Throughout the years there have been many great advancements to break down the barriers between the races. However, the past is a reoccurring issue that draws away from each step forward. Black people today are still crying for freedom because they still feel that are being oppressed by the white nation.

Many people in the black community have begun to use the terrible events of the past as leverage against the white community. As race relations becomes  more prevalent issue, the government has tried to take steps to to find a balance between the two races, but with very little accomplish in favor of humanity.

The whites are now finding themselves to be the ones who are negatively affected by the color of their skin. History has begun to haunt the people of today. They are having to live with the lasting effects of those people and events that occurred over fifty years ago. In the same realm, the actions of today will have a ripple effect through the future. Time may heal wounds, but it does not forget facts.

Even the most minute actions of segregation and racism will be felt in the generations to come. Today in a nation of FREEDOM & LIBERTY, there is still much racism againts blacks and hispanics.

Time plays no favorites and neither should people. As a whole, human beings have a long way to go before we can live in utopia. What we do today to ease the racial tension will make actions taken in the future be more effective. Time is a continuous circle in which the beginning is affected by the end and the end is affected by the future. Only by changing the actions in the middle o the cycle can our future be freed of the past and OPRESION. AMEN...!!! JB211

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